
Did You Miss the Race (Black) Riots of the 1960s

Well, you're in for a repeat performance.  You'll get to see people destroying their own communities, attacking neighbors, looting, raping, murdering, and general anarchy and none of the participants will even really know why they are doing it.  It's just in their nature to lash out because they have screwed their own lives up.

Liberalism has set the stage for a massive repeat of urban rioting across the nation and it will probably start in Detroit.  The city of Detroit has failed so spectacularly due to perpetual incompetence and corruption that the State of Illinois is taking over administration of the city and the State is no better able than the city officials they are ousting.  Disgruntled former (minority) city officials will invariably blame it on racism with a call for 'peaceful' protests which they know will not remain peaceful, and then Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will show up to fan the flames, and BAM, it will explode!

These urban, inner-city areas are filled with people who have never been educated because of a failed a public school system, never been encouraged to work for a living, have been encouraged to develop a culture separate from main-stream society with its own behavior and language called ebonics, and has prevented assimilation and prosperity.  They have isolated themselves and become resentful of those whom they have become dependent upon.  And its all because of liberal concepts like multi-culturalism, political correctness, overly generous welfare programs, and white guilt driven race relations.

The is economy going in the toilet and huge liberal controlled cities like Detroit and Chicago are crumbing due to mismanagement and corruption, and an idle, uneducated, drug addicted, welfare spoiled population, are powder kegs waiting to explode when the gravy train runs dry.  All it needs is for the fuse to be lit by rabble rousing, resentful, incompetent minority leaders for an explosion of rage and violence to erupt.

In the 1960s we had riots in Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Tampa, Detroit, Chicago, New York, Newark, Washington, DC, Baltimore, and other places.  Detroit seems to be the starting point for a new round of riots that will sweep across America again.

Here's the warning from WND.


  1. "...have been encouraged to develop a culture separate from main-stream society with its own behavior and language called ebonics, and has prevented assimilation and prosperity. They have isolated themselves and become resentful of those whom they have become dependent upon."

    Usually I dislike to re-post already written words, but you Sir, are spot-on.

    Similar to what I tell our newly-hired paramedics: describing the inner-city residents and the usual calls associated with them may sound stereotypical, but when almost everyone you come in contact with perpetuates said stereotype, it is very hard not to have pre-concieved notions going into those areas.

  2. Hmm....Illinois (?!?!) will take over the management of Detroit?

    I knew they were power hungry in that state but dang!

    Not only have they been encouraged to develop a separate culture; they've been encouraged to consider the social safety net not as assistance but their due. Ever notice how the media abets this by their coverage of 'flash mob' violence; very little condemnation of the violence.
    Or how the media repeatedly shows people 'getting what is their's" during a riot?

  3. And this is where DHS will start their program. The sheeple will nod their heads approvingly, not wanting to believe that they're next.
